Most of our sensor beacons with accelerometers offer motion triggered broadcast. That is, they can be set up to advertise when the beacon is moving. This can be used for motion detection or, in some scenarios, as a mechanism to significantly conserve battery life.
Some beacons such as the Minew range with buttons can be set to only advertise when there’s a double press of the button. This can be used for SOS type scenarios.
The S1 temperature humidity beacons can also be set to advertise when the temperature or humidity goes above or below a value. This is useful for alarm type situations.

While triggered broadcast provides for these usecases and extends battery life, it should be remembered that because the beacons are not advertising all the time, there’s no way of knowing their location (in RTLS situations) or indeed if the beacon is working (e.g. the battery might be flat). Beacons such as the INGICS range advertise all the time and send different advertising when a button is pressed or the temperature/humidity changes. This allows for ‘I am still here’ functionality at the expense of shorter battery life.