New Minew Beacons in Stock

We have some new and updated Minew beacons in stock. We have the updated i7 and new E7 that have new firmware that supports up to 6 advertising slots that can include iBeacon, Eddystone UID, Eddystone URL, Eddystone TLM, device info and in the case of the new E7, acceleration data. These beacons also use the new Nordic nRF52 for improved battery life.


We also have a version of the E7 with standard Minew iBeacon firmware.

There’s also the new small, light C4 that’s suitable for wearing or on a use on a keyring:


Bluetooth 5 Advertising Extensions

There’s an interesting new article on the Nordic Blogs on Bluetooth 5 Advertising Extensions . It explains how the number of channels is increasing, from 3 in Bluetooth 4.0, allowing larger advertising payloads in one of the 37 other data channels. A single advertising packet can hold up to 255 bytes of data, up from 37 in Bluetooth 4.0. The chaining of packets allows for larger payloads up to 1650 bytes.

As the article mentions, we have to wait until tablets and smartphones support Bluetooth 5. Also, we have to wait for new Beacons with Bluetooth 5.

Beacon Programming Examples

We have some new documentation for our AnkhMaway customers*. In the Ankhmaway Technical Area we have two new Android examples on:

We also have a new user guide for the iB001W rechargeable wrist beacon.

* Password protected – only available to customers who have purchased products.

Beacons and Physical Web Security Review

Renaud Lifchitz, a security consultant, has some great new slides on Security review of proximity technologies: beacons and physical web.

He mainly concludes that:

  • Beacons can easily be spoofed
  • Beacon passwords are often sent in plain text
  • Web Bluetooth might be used with XSS to allow hacked sites to access local devices via GATT

The spoofing issue is well known and is a necessary consequence of a broadcast, non-connectable, type mechanism. Fortunately, people mainly only use these things for nefarious purposes when there’s a profit motive. Spoofing beacons rarely benefits anyone.

The beacon passwords thing sometimes happens when beacons are set up using the manufacturer app. This is usually a one-off event, when the beacon is first set up, when the user is usually control who in their surroundings. Hence, it’s very unlikely other people will ‘sniff’ the beacon password.

For Web Bluetooth, GATT communications without a known password is benign. You can’t do much by just connecting to a beacon or Bluetooth device. You usually need a password to change or view security sensitive data.

While it’s good to know these things, it’s very unlikely any of these security observations will ever be a problem. Beacons don’t tend to be used in critical or valuable scenarios so the risk of things being subverted is low. There are much easier, more valuable and higher profile targets for hackers in the shape of servers, desktops, laptops and apps. Even if one of the mechanisms mentioned in the slides were used one day, the consequences, for most scenarios, would be minimal.

Traffic Monitoring Using Bluetooth

There’s a recent story at LA Times on how Newport Beach will monitor drivers’ Bluetooth data to analyze traffic, congestion.

It’s a traffic monitoring system that receives signals from Bluetooth-enabled equipment such as cellphones and in-car hands-free devices, building a real-time picture of motorists’ routes and travel times.

This is a simple example of a real time locating system using Bluetooth devices that are already out there as opposed to, more focused, Bluetooth beacons that are specifically being tracked.

Google Nearby Beacon Functionality Severely Cut by Google

Google have quietly cut much of the usefulness of using Nearby with Beacons. The Google Beacon Tools app previously allowed you to register beacons that advertise an id (not URL), even iBeacon, associating the beacon with either a URL or an app so that Android users receive a notification when they come across a beacon.

The Android Google Beacon Tools app that is used to register Nearby beacons has had some updates. Google have removed the capability to register iBeacons and the app now goes into a provisioning state to connect to the beacon being provisioned:

The Android Beacon Tools app can now only connect to and provision Eddystone GATT service Eddystone-UID and Eddystone-EID beacons otherwise it then shows “Eddystone configuration service not supported by this beacon”:

The majority of beacons, not just ours, don’t support Eddystone GATT service. This severely cuts down the types of beacon that can now be registered with the Beacon Tools app (in our case only 7 beacons).

The Nearby programming API, that you can use to register Nearby beacons in your app, still declares it supports iBeacon so it’s still currently possible to register non Eddystone GATT service beacons but not so easily.

This is going to be a problem for organisations who have used Nearby as an alternative to Eddystone-URL. If they have been relying on the Beacon Tools app rather than using their API via their own app, they won’t be able to register more beacons. This puts them into the difficult position of needing to either purchase Eddystone-GATT Service beacons or write an app that uses the API. However, there must have been some reason to restrict Beacon Tools to only Eddystone Standard GATT beacons and this might, one day, also apply to the API.

To be clear, this doesn’t affect Eddystone-URL. Eddystone-URL never, and still doesn’t need, registration at Google.

Together with the recent removal of Eddystone-URL detection from Chrome for iOS, this sees Google distancing Eddystone from iOS and iBeacon from Android OS. Organisations can still write apps that scan for iBeacon or Android and Eddystone on iOS. However, for some unknown reason Google no longer wants to support this in their own apps and tools.

Using Beacons in AR

There’s an interesting recent post at twocanoes on how beacons can be used to detect which room a person is in, to then run the correct AR interaction:

“While ARKit is aware of the geometry of the room the phone is in, it doesn’t know what room it is in”

Beacons solve this problem. In fact, beacons are a useful addition to many apps. The more interesting usecases are often an ancillary use rather than the main use of an app or service.

Sensor Cognition for Making Sense of Beacon Data

As mentioned yesterday, in the Mr Beacon interview with Ajay Malik, beacon positioning and sensor data will be increasingly used as input for AI machine learning (ML). Beacons are a great way of providing the large amounts of data required of ML.

At BeaconZone, we have recently started using beacon data in machine learning. This has been a natural progression of use of our BeaconRTLS to collect large data sets. We have a new subsidiary Sensor Cognition that provides services to extract and use intelligence from sensor data. Unlike most other ML companies, we aren’t interested in computer vision, speech and language recognition, even though the first two could be inferred to be from sensor data. Instead, we specialise in extracting intelligence from industry time series position and sensor data.

Engage with us to receive free information on how to get started. Discover how to jump start solutions for your organisation’s unique challenges.

Interview with Ajay Malik, author of RTLS for Dummies

Mr Beacon has a new interview with Ajay Malik, the author of RTLS for Dummies.

It starts with a discussion that tries to define what’s a Real Time Location System (RTLS) in terms of the technologies that can be used. Ajay explains how he ended up working with RTLS and writing the book.

There’s discussion on business drivers and how RTLS relates to machine to machine (M2M) and IoT. Usecases mentioned include promotional marketing, asset tracking and autonomous navigation. There’s a useful explanation of trilateration, triangulation, angle of arrival, time of arrival and time distance of arrival.

Ajay sees asset tracking as currently the most important application. However, going forward, RTLS will feed more into AI to provide context.

Read more about RTLS