Rechargeable Bluetooth Beacons

Bluetooth beacons can last a long time on battery power, up to 5 years in some cases. However, long battery lifetimes require larger batteries that are more bulky and result in devices that are less suitable to wear.

The smallest beacons, most suitable for wearing, have small CR2032 coin cell batteries that can only typically last of the order of a few months. The solution is to use rechargeable beacons. They all charge via some sort of USB, either plugin, via a clip or magnetic connector.

The iB001W, supporting iBeacon and Eddystone, comes with a small charging cradle that plugs into the beacon.

The H1 Wristband is waterproof and has an acceleration sensor that supports motion triggered broadcast to save battery life. It charges via a clip.

The F1 is waterproof and has an acceleration sensor for motion triggered broadcast and also has a SOS button. It charges via a magnetic connection cable.

The B10 has an acceleration sensor but additionally makes this information available via advertising. It also has an SOS button and charges via a magnetic connector.

The waterproof W2-P5202D3 is a fitness tracker style device that advertises iBeacon, Eddystone and acceleration.

View Rechargeable Beacons

INGICS iGS03W in Stock

We have limited quantities of the new INGICS iGS03W Bluetooth WiFi gateway in stock.

The iGS03W listens for beacons, gets their advertising data and forwards it on to your server or an IoT server via TCP, HTTP(S) or MQTT including AWS IoT, Google Cloud IoT and Azure IoT Hub.

It differs from the iGS01S in that it supports greater throughput, Bluetooth 5 Long Range mode (LE Coded PHY) and also includes a wall holder.

View all Bluetooth gateways

New Bluetooth Location Services Infographic

The Bluetooth SIG, who manage the Bluetooth standards, have a new infographic on location services based on figures from ABI Research.

Some insights:

  • The leading location services category is Retail and Services at 62%.
  • Smartphones are helping drive adoption.
  • There will be 35% compound annual growth in Bluetooth location devices from 2022 to 2026.
  • There will be 547,000 Bluetooth RTLS implementations by 2026.

Learn about BeaconRTLS™

View Bluetooth Beacons

Bluetooth AoA Direction Finding Tradeoffs

Direction finding hardware is limited by how many Bluetooth packets can be processed per second. For example, the Minew G2/AR1 supports up to 1000 packets per second. However, this depends on the actual situation as the locator can sometimes receive packets from devices that are not tracked assets such as fitness trackers, cars and smartphones that will use up processing power.

There are two common misconceptions. The first is that it’s possible to add more hardware to support more beacons. Hardware can be added sidewise, into extra areas having extra beacons, but it’s not possible to support more beacons by adding hardware to the same area. The beacons will still be seen by all hardware. The second misconception is the use of filtering or throttling settings in the gateway to support more beacons. Again, the packets have to be processed and you are only affecting what’s being output.

How many beacons are supported by 1000 packets per second? For a beacon advertising at default 100ms, it’s advertising 10 times every second. For the Minew scenario, with 4 locators, each locator will see the beacon so the gateway works four times as hard.

1000 / 10 / 4 = 25 beacons. Only 25 beacons.

AoA Direction Finding involves a trade off between accuracy, latency and the maximum number of beacons:

The number of beacons can be increased by increasing the beacon advertising period. The Minew MWL01 beacon automatically adjusts the advertising period from 100ms to 250ms to 4 seconds based on movement detected by an accelerometer. This makes the maximum number of beacons dependent on a tricky calculation based on how often the beacons move. At the other extreme, when none of the beacons are moving, 1000 beacons can be supported in one area of 4 locators.

The beacons’ advertising period can be extended, as necessary, to increase the maximum number of beacons. When the advertising period is increased, the latency increases which is the delay after which you know the new location. Furthermore, location engines need multiple measurements, over time, to get an accurate location. This can usually be configured to trade off accuracy with latency.

If a gateway doesn’t see a beacon during scanning, it’s possible it will instead see it on a subsequent scan. Overloaded systems still produce locations but have much less deterministic latency.

When designing a new system many people say they want high accuracy, low latency and support an unlimited number of beacons. This isn’t possible. Instead, rank accuracy, latency and the maximum number of beacons in order of importance and design the system accordingly.

Read about PrecisionRTLS™

Beacons and Innovation

We receive many enquiries for complete solutions that don’t yet exist. While we have a solutions directory, most current solutions tend to require solving a particular problem in a particular industry. In most cases the people enquiring don’t have the budget for a one-off custom solution.

There’s plenty of scope for new innovative solutions based on beacons for re-selling to others. However, creating new systems based predominantly on beacons is costly and risky. Instead, it’s often better to beacon-enable existing systems that have been tried and tested.

The systems we are finding doing this at the moment are mainly security related. However, there’s a large number of enterprise systems that could benefit from extra features provided by beacons. Doing so is less risky and more likely to be successful as it builds on something that’s already being used. Another observation is that when companies do this, they sometimes realise they have actually implemented their first IoT system.

Beacons with Accelerometers

When choosing a beacon with an accelerometer, care needs to be taken that it supports the anticipated use. In some cases the accelerometer can control the functionality within the beacon while in other’s it provides raw data that can be used by other Bluetooth devices such as smartphones, gateways and single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi.

The most common use of an accelerometer is to provide for motion triggered broadcast. This is when the beacon only advertises when the beacon is moving so as to improve battery life and lessen the redundant processing needed by observing devices. Beacons supporting motion triggering include the M52-SA Plus, F1, K15, and the H1 Wristband.

M52-SA Plus provides motion triggered advertising

A few beacons such as the iBS01G and iBS03G interpret the movement as starting, stopping and falling with a consequent change in Bluetooth advertising.

Raw acceleration data is provided by beacons such as the iBS01RG , iBS03RG, e8, K15 and B10.

View Sensor Beacons

Troubleshooting Beacon Problems

Some people come to us, having set up their beacons, saying “It doesn’t work”. Most scenarios involve a beacon, an app and a phone. Solving most problems involves breaking the problem down by swapping out each of the beacon, app and phone until it works.

If you have more than one beacon, you can swap out the beacon. Having said this, it’s rare for beacons to fail and if the problem is with the beacon, it’s more likely to be the beacon settings that are incorrect.

While you can’t swap out the manufacturer configuration app, you can use another app such as Nordic’s nRF Connect (on iOS and Android) to scan for a beacon, see if it’s advertising and if so, what type of advertising it is sending.

It’s common for individual phones to have have problems. First, make sure you have Location and Bluetooth on. Anyone working with beacons will usually need to have both Android and iOS devices to diagnose problems. Run the app (and nRF Connect) on multiple phones of different platform type (iOS/Android) to help narrow down problems.

If you still can’t get it working, send us a support ticket. Please don’t just say “It doesn’t work” and instead describe what you have done and at what stage it doesn’t work with any error messages.

Also read

Why Doesn’t the Manufacturer’s Configuration App Connect?

Testing if a Beacon is Working

Watch Style Beacons

Box-shaped beacons can be cumbersome to wear. Instead there’s a range of beacons in a watch style.

The iB001W is rechargeable via USB.

The H1 is rechargeable and also has an accelerometer that can be used for motion triggered broadcast to save battery power.

The B10 is different because it has an SOS button. It also contains an accelerometer for extra interaction possibilities.

The ABN05 is one of the smallest and measures only 23.9mm x 23.1mm.

View all wearable beacons

AKMW-iB005N-SMA Replaced by S1 USB

The iB005N-SMA is no longer manufactured and has been replaced with the S1-SMA.


The S1 USB doesn’t use batteries and instead uses USB for power. The USB isn’t used to set up the beacon and the manufacturer smartphone app, via Bluetooth, is used instead. The ‘SMA’ means it has an external rather than PCB antenna which moves the antenna away from the device supplying the USB power thus providing better Bluetooth radio signal and longer range. The S1 is also available without an external antenna.

We have a few iB005N-SMA remaining in stock of you particularly need that model.

Using Beacons for Disability Location Determination

Researchers in Japan have been using iBeacons with children with PIMD/SMID’s expressive behaviours. These are children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities or severe motor and intellectual disabilities who can only communicate through movements, vocalizations, body postures, muscle tensions or facial expressions.

The researchers created a system to interpret the expressive behaviours. The system uses the ChildSIDE in app to collect behaviours of children and sends the location and environmental data to a database. The beacons allow the location to be known so that displays or interfaces can be automatically changed depending on the context. For example, a specific situation (e.g. class or playtime), location (e.g. classroom, playground, home) or time (e.g. morning, lunch breaks, evening) can be determined.

ChildSIDE provides an effective method of collecting children’s expressive behaviours with a high accuracy rate in detecting and transmitting environmental and location data.

View iBeacons