Nordic Wireless Quarter Magazine

Nordic Semiconductor, the manufacturer of the System on a Chip (SoC) in many beacons, has published the latest online issue of Wireless Quarter Magazine. It showcases the many uses of Nordic SoCs.

The latest issue of the magazine highlights the use of Nordic SoCs in the following Bluetooth solutions:

  • The T1 Tomahawk smart tape measure
  • A beacon tag that enables a wireless manifest for helicopter crews
  • LocoTrack pallet tracking beacons
  • A pet tracker beacon that uses machine learning to detect animal health problems

The magazine also announces the new nRF54 Series of SoCs that have higher performance processing and much more on-board memory. We don’t expect these to end up in beacons because such performance isn’t required for beacons. Instead they will make their way into solutions such as Bluetooth gateways.

There’s an in-depth article on Retail that shows how wireless tech is improving the retail experience, maximising profits for the retailer and delivering value added convenience for customers. There’s mention of Stratosfy’s Tempgenie solution that uses temperature sensor beacons and a Bluetooth LE to Wi-Fi gateway to measure and alert on the ambient and surface temperature of front- and back-of-house

Finally, there’s a useful article ‘Planet Bluetooth’ that charts the history of Bluetooth’s spread and evolution into areas and applications that were once unimagined.