Nordic Wireless Quarter Magazine Available

Nordic, the manufacturer of the System on a Chip (SoC) in many beacons, has the latest issue of Wireless Quarter Magazine. It showcases the many uses of Nordic SoCs.

News from the world of beacons includes:

  • Quuppa partnership – this might accelerate Bluetooth direction finding solutions
  • Beacons helping visually impaired
  • Beacons for robot perception and interaction
  • Beacons in restaurants

Completely New nRF Connect for iOS

As we have previously mentioned, nRF Connect is the the best app for detecting if a Bluetooth LE device such as a beacon is working. The Android version has always had more features than the iOS version but that is changing. nRF Connect for iOS has been completely re-written and now has a very pretty UI.

We still recommend using the Android rather than the iOS version because iOS apps can’t see Bluetooth MAC addresses due to some peculiar decisions made by people at Apple. Scanning also can’t see an iBeacon UUID, major and minor in the advertising. It’s more difficult to uniquely identify Bluetooth devices in apps such as nRF Connect on iOS than it is on Android.

Bluetooth AoA Direction Finding Antenna Design

We have previously mentioned that antenna design is a complex area that will slow the rollout of Bluetooth AoA direction finding solutions. What are the issues?

Theodoros Prokic of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology has a new paper on the Antenna Design for Angle of Arrival Measurement in Access Control Applications (pdf) that explores the antennas needed for two sides of an in an inside-outside scenario.

The paper provides an analysis of the challenges the antenna designer faces when creating an AoA solution. Issues include orientation and polarization, matching, coupling, reflections, phase center, and physical size. Designing and creating antennas can easily lead to inconsistent results due to the affects of hardware, cables and other testing equipment in the vicinity.

IoT Priority and Asset Tracking

Gartner has a new report Hype Cycle for the Internet of Things 2019, in which they say:

“The Priority Matrix shows that many IoT technologies are 5 years from mainstream adoption. However only one innovation profile will reach maturity in 2 years, indoor location for assets.

So why is ‘indoor location for assets’ more likely to achieve mainstream adoption sooner than other technologies? It’s because there are clear benefits for most companies and off-the-shelf software such as our BeaconRTLS™ is already available.

Our work with companies shows they are nevertheless cautious. Companies are taking time to understand the competing asset tracking technologies and are performing, sometimes lengthy, trials to determine how new systems will integrate with existing systems. They are considering the implications of SAAS vs on-premise solutions, the availability of second-sourced beacon hardware and the compromises of accuracy vs system complexity and cost.

Simple In Out Uses Beacons

Simple In Out is an employee in/out board that works across multiple platforms:

As well as providing a useful visual display of who’s in and out it’s also possible to use the system for employee timekeeping, notifications when people come in/out and integration with Slack or other systems via web hooks or the API.

Simple in/out uses the employees’ phone’s operating system to detect the geographical area using cell towers or local WiFi Networks. It’s possible to use beacons to improve the accuracy. Beacons are better when you need to use Simple In Out with smaller areas (10-20 metres), moving areas or areas with poor cellular reception or no WiFi.

Kiosk Pro for iOS Uses iBeacons

Kiosk Pro is an app for iOS that turns an iPad into a public kiosk.

The technical documentation shows how you can trigger the showing of specific information when in the vicinity of a particular beacon. For example, if the kiosk is static, people with different beacons might trigger the showing of different information. If the kiosk is moving, for example a tablet being held, it might trigger the showing of different information based on the location of, for example, different exhibits. The kiosk can also be set to advertise iBeacon that can be picked up in iOS and Android apps.

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Recording Employees’ Working Hours

We have been seeing an increase in the number of beacon-based employee clocking in/out systems. This is due to a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice that said that EU companies must have something in place to provide an “objective, reliable and accessible system” that allows the duration of time worked each day to be measured. This is so that it can be confirmed that companies and organisations are complying with the Fundamental Rights Charter and the Working Time Directive.

Some employers and employers’ federations have been critical of the need for modern versions of the ‘punch card’. Some employees also resent being tracked to such a degree. In today’s mobile, flexible working environments, it’s often not practical to track work-related activities performed outside the main workplace. The definition of work is also open to interpretation. For example, is replying to a work email, at home, outside working hours, counted as work?

As with many EU rules, these things can’t be clearly defined and aren’t properly policed. In this case, companies and organisations will come under scrutiny if employees or their unions go to court for non-compliance with working time regulations. Some industries such as construction need time tracking anyway for contractor billing and safety. It’s for each organisation to assess the risk. For those deciding they need time tracking, beacons provide an automated solution.

Building Construction Industry Time and Attendance Tracking

One of our clients Chime Software Limited, part of Wren Construction, is offering a Time and Attendance Tracking system for the building construction industry. It’s a mobile and desktop solution allowing teams to easily collaborate.

The clock in and clock out uses iBeacons. It’s possible to view and authorise timesheets either from your desktop or mobile phone. It’s also possible to take textual and photographic notes for sharing across a team or project.

DoubleDutch Event Management Platform Uses iBeacons

Today, we learnt that the DoubleDutch event management platform supports iBeacons.

We are discovering more and more apps and platforms are adding support for beacons. Beacons are moving from being the main, usually uncompelling, focus for an app or service to being an adjunct to provide for, much more useful, location specific functionality.

DoubleDutch allows location and time based messages can be set up for events. This works with all iBeacons.

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