New AprilBrother Beacons in Stock

We have five new AprilBrother models in stock:

The new EEK-N supports iBeacon, Eddystone and is the first beacon we have stocked that supports the Bluetooth LE Line protocol.

The USB Beacon 306 is one of the few USB beacon that have an external antenna that provides for a longer range up to 100m.

The ABN05 is the smallest wearable iBeacon we have seen with a size of 28.5mm x 28.5mm x 9mm.

The Road Stud is the first rugged cats-eye type beacon. It can withstand a weight of up to 10 tons. It isn’t restricted to use on roads and can instead be used in rough situations, for example, tracking construction site toolboxes.

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New Bluetooth Beacons

We have two new beacons in stock:

The S1 is a USB beacon advertising iBeacon, Eddystone UID and Eddystone URL.

The H1 is a waterproof, rechargeable wristband beacon advertising iBeacon, Eddystone UID and Eddystone URL. It also has an accelerometer that can be used to provide for motion triggered broadcast. The front has a capacitive button that can be used to turn on/off or to only advertise when the button is pressed.

Both have the rare facility to send custom Bluetooth LE advertising that some customers use when they don’t want their beacons to show up other systems.

View All Bluetooth Beacons

Pre-configured Beacons Ease Rollout

Once your solution has been developed, it’s usually necessary to configure a larger number of beacons for rollout. Configuration includes settings such as the iBeacon UUID, major, minor, transmit power and advertising period.

Configuration is usually performed using the beacon manufacturers’ app which can becomes less practical for larger numbers of beacons when you need to connect to each beacon in turn. Larger number of beacons mean they also need to be physically labelled so they can be visually identified.

Pre-setting and labelling is a service we perform that can save you a significant amount of effort and time. The extra cost is negligible for larger numbers of beacons.

Node Beacon Scanner

If you are developing using Node, there’s a Node.js module, node-beacon-scanner, that allows you to scan Bluetooth beacon packets and parse the packet data.

While Node tends to be associated with Linux, servers and hence web sites, Node can also be used on small single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi. Hence, this module provides an easy way to scan for Beacons and other Bluetooth devices.

The module supports iBeacon and Eddystone and outputs the MAC address, local name, transmit power level, RSSI and the iBeacon/Eddystone specific attributes.

Bluetooth Detection Range

The BBC has an article on Coronavirus: Why are there doubts over contact-tracing apps? It says:

But critics warn this kind of system would be imprecise since some phones detect signals from up to 30m (98ft) away without being able to determine the distance.

The BBC took this from information in a Wired article that says:

… but with Bluetooth being able to ping other phones within a 30-metre range, without precision, there’s an increased chance of the app alerting you to false positives of people who have never even come into contact with you

This isn’t correct and misunderstands how the Bluetooth signal is being used. Receiving devices, such as smartphones, don’t just see the beacon signal but also have a received signal strength (RSSI) that can be used to infer distance. Our post on testing if a beacon is working explains and shows this value in the nRF Connect app running on Android.

While not fake news, the BBC and Wired are providing incorrect information. In these times, in the rush and panic, too many things are being written that aren’t thoroughly researched.

Startups, COVID-19 and Venture Capital

Many companies we work with are startups. A very recent survey by NfX shows founders are very worried, the main issues being venture capital drying up and sales declining:

Apart from cost saving actions, it’s interesting many founders are pivoting their product:

Talking to customers, we have seen an increase in the use of beacon technology in health (e.g. calling for help) and logistics (e.g. supermarket asset tracking). The use of technology and IT has the potential to reduce human effort, minimise human to human contact and provide for SOS solutions. Read our recent post on SOS type applications.

Founders are finding many VCs (41.9%) are taking much longer to respond and 15.5% of VC have gone ‘dark’:

All is not lost. Kanso have an Investor COVID19 spreadsheet that lists investors the status of European investors. Many are still accepting pitches and investing.

New Feasycom FSC-BP103

We have a new beacon, the Feasycom FSC-BP103 in stock. It’s a small beacon that transmits up to 10 channels simultaneously that can be Eddystone-UID, Eddystone-URL, iBeacon or AltBeacon.

This beacon uses the newer Texas Instruments CC2640R2F System on a Chip (SoC) that provides a longer battery life. Also, it can be set to advertise at +5dBm that provides a 100m+ range that’s unusual for a small battery beacon.

New Demonstration Video

We have a new demonstration video showing iBeacon and accelerometer sensor beacons, manufacturer setting apps and the raw Bluetooth advertising data in the Nordic nRF Connect app (Nordic is the manufacturer of the main chip in most beacons). The video also shows a Bluetooth-WiFi gateway, it’s setup and sending of advertising data to a server.

Best viewed full screen.

Monitor – Presence Detection Reported via MQTT

There’s a new Linux script called Monitor that scans for the presence of beacons and other Bluetooth devices and reports to a MQTT server.

The mechanism doesn’t just scan for beacons. It combines name requests, anonymous advertisements and beacon advertisements to determine when to issue a name request to determine if a device is present and when to issue a name request to determine if a device is absent.

The author, Andrew J Freyer, provides instructions how to set up on a Raspberry Pi Zero W.