Bluetooth AoA Direction Finding

There are many scenarios that require accurate tracking of assets and people. Logistics can ensure efficient use of equipment and improve workflows. Manufacturing can locate valuable plant tools, parts and sub-assemblies, improve safety and enable efficient asset allocation. Healthcare can track high value equipment, monitor the location of medicines, save time searching for equipment and monitor vulnerable patients. Facilities can track valuable assets, monitor lone workers, check occupancy levels and automatically locate people or students for safety and evacuation.

New AoA direction finding brings sub-metre tracking to Bluetooth where the main alternative was previously expensive, proprietary ultra-wide band (UWB). AoA direction finding uses receivers, called locators, that have multiple antenna. The differences in phase of the signal arriving from a beacon to each antenna are used to determine the direction.

One locator can be used to determine the location or multiple locators can be used to triangulate a more accurate beacon position.

You can’t use just any beacon. It needs to send a Constant Tone Extension (CTE) for a long enough time to enable the receiver to switch between all the antennas.

Martin Woolley’s excellent Bluetooth Direction Finding Technical Overview provides a deeper explanation of the theory.

The calculation of data from the antennas to angles is called radiogoniometry. This can be performed by the the same microcontroller hardware that’s receiving the radio data, by a gateway or by a separate location engine on a local server or in the cloud. The problem with using the same microcontroller is that it is slow and doesn’t scale well to larger numbers of beacons. Also, it doesn’t know about other locators and so can’t do triangulation when multiple locators see a beacon.

There are many ways to implement the location engine using different radiogoniometry algorithms of different accuracy and computational complexity. The location engine should also filter the incoming data to mitigate the affects of multi-path reception, polarization, signal spread delays, jitter, and noise. It also needs to be performant, ideally using compiled rather than interpreted code, to support the maximum throughput and hence the maximum number of beacons. It should also also provide a streaming rather than polling API to pass data onto system and applications such as real time locating systems (RTLS).

Read about PrecisionRTLS™

Bluetooth (BLE) vs Ultra-Wideband (UWB) for Locating

We previously mentioned how cost, battery life and second sourcing are the main advantages of Bluetooth over Ultra-Wideband (UWB). An additional, rarely mentioned, advantage is scalability.

Servers that process Bluetooth or Ultra-Wideband support a particular maximum throughout. The rate at which updates reach systems depends on the number of assets, how often they report and the area covered (number of gateways/locators). Each update needs to be processed and compared with very recent updates from other gateways/locators to determine an asset’s position.

For Bluetooth, updates tend to be of the order of 2 to 10 seconds but in some scenarios can be 30 seconds or more for stock checking where assets rarely move. Motion triggered beacons can be used to provide variable update periods depending on an asset’s movement patterns. This allows Bluetooth to support high 10s of thousands of assets without overloading the server.

For Ultra-Wideband, refresh rates tend to be of the order of hundreds of milliseconds (ms) thus stressing the system with more updates/sec. This is why most Ultra-Wideband systems support of the order of single digit thousands of assets and/or smaller areas. More frequent advertising is also the reason why the tags use a lot of battery power.

How does all this change with the new Bluetooth 5.1 direction finding standard? The standard was published in January 2019 but solutions have been slow to come to the market. The products that have so far appeared all have shortcomings that mean we can’t yet recommend them to our customers. Aside from this, in evaluating these products we are seeing compromises compared to traditional Bluetooth locating using received signal strength (RSSI).

Bluetooth 5.1 direction finding needs more complex hardware that, at least in current implementations, are reporting much more often. The server has to do complex processing to convert phase differences to angles and angles to positions thus supporting fewer updates/sec. Bluetooth direction finding is looking more like UWB in that cost, scalability and battery life are sacrificed for increased accuracy. Direction finding locators are currently x6 to x10 more costly than existing Bluetooth/WiFi gateways. Beacon battery life is reduced due to the more frequent and longer advertising. We are seeing Bluetooth 5.1 direction finding being somewhere between traditional Bluetooth RSSI-based locating and Ultra-Wideband in terms of flexibility vs accuracy.

Despite these intrinsic compromises, Bluetooth direction finding is set to provide strong competition to UWB for high accuracy applications. We are already seeing UWB providers seeking to diversify into Bluetooth to provide lower cost, longer battery life and greater scalability.

Bluetooth Asset Tracking

Bluetooth tags/beacons detect the position of people and assets. Software maps jobs, valuable tools, parts, sub-assemblies and people onto your floor plans or maps.

The main uses are:

  • Searching. Knowing the location of something such as a piece of equipment, parts, stock, pallets, a job or person without ringing round. Locating expensive, shared, equipment so fewer spare assets are required to cover an area.
  • Security. Alerting when people or assets enter or leave an area.
  • Protection. Detecting quantities such as temperature and humidity for sensitive items that can spoil.
  • Process Control. Knowing where things have been. Knowing what happened at a particular location. Knowing when measured values exceeded their expected range.

Bluetooth LE is particularly suitable because it is:

  • Real Time. Better than barcode scans and NFC tags where the data is only as up to date as the last successful manual scan.
  • Compatible. Bluetooth LE works with existing devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops.
  • Reliable. Works in electrically noisy situations such as the factory.
  • Inexpensive. Commodity hardware is more affordable than non-standard technologies such as ultra wideband (UWB).

The end result is reduced downtime, less time re-ordering or re-making things that have been lost, optimum productivity and better use of skilled staff doing their job rather than searching for assets and people.

Read about Beacons in Industry and the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)

Learn about Asset and Pallet Tracking for Manufacturers

Discover BeaconRTLS™

Read about BluetoothLocationEngine™

Bluetooth AoA Direction Finding Study Finds Limitations

While we wait for products based on Bluetooth 5.1 direction finding to reach the market, researchers in the UK and Italy have performed a study Dead on Arrival: An Empirical Study of The Bluetooth 5.1 Positioning System.

The paper tests the market readiness of the Bluetooth 5.1 direction finding by experimentally evaluating the performance of the AoA mechanism. The authors took Software-Defined Radios(SDR) manufactured by Ettus Research and emulated Bluetooth AoA data in order to assess the potential accuracy and security.

The results show that accurate angular detection is limited to a restricted range:

“Observe that the error is below 85 cm for more than 95% of the positions. However, this is far from meeting the centimetre level accuracy expected by IoT applications, since the absolute positioning error is <10 cm only in 15% of cases. Although offering sub-meter accuracy, is far from achieving centimetre-level precision.”

It was found that a malicious device can easily alter the truthfulness of the measured AoA data by tampering with the packet structure because the Bluetooth 5.1 standard doesn’t enforce any security provisions. The researchers suggest an improvement to the standard, by changing the receiver, so that instead of using one main antenna and switching to the other only for measuring the phase-delay, it keeps the other antenna active for the next packet to be received.

Nordic Wireless Quarter Magazine Available

Nordic, the manufacturer of the System on a Chip (SoC) in many beacons, has the latest issue of Wireless Quarter Magazine. It showcases the many uses of Nordic SoCs.

News from the world of beacons includes:

  • Quuppa partnership – this might accelerate Bluetooth direction finding solutions
  • Beacons helping visually impaired
  • Beacons for robot perception and interaction
  • Beacons in restaurants

Bluetooth AoA Direction Finding Antenna Design

We have previously mentioned that antenna design is a complex area that will slow the rollout of Bluetooth AoA direction finding solutions. What are the issues?

Theodoros Prokic of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology has a new paper on the Antenna Design for Angle of Arrival Measurement in Access Control Applications (pdf) that explores the antennas needed for two sides of an in an inside-outside scenario.

The paper provides an analysis of the challenges the antenna designer faces when creating an AoA solution. Issues include orientation and polarization, matching, coupling, reflections, phase center, and physical size. Designing and creating antennas can easily lead to inconsistent results due to the affects of hardware, cables and other testing equipment in the vicinity.

New Interview with Quuppa

Mister Beacon has a new interview with Fabio Belloni of Quuppa. It clarifies that while Quuppa uses direction finding techniques and contributed to the Bluetooth 5.1 direction finding standard, their solution is based on Bluetooth 4 and is a proprietary, not standards based solution. Their solution will continue to be provided alongside their new products based on Bluetooth 5.1.

The interview mentions how the Bluetooth 5.1 direction finding standard might need to evolve to provide less ‘chatty’, shorter communication in order to be suitable for all usecases, particularly those that are battery powered or need to have very large numbers of assets being tracked.

It’s also mentioned that the Bluetooth direction finding standard doesn’t cover tools needed to setup and control direction finding systems. It also doesn’t specify antenna design that’s a complex area.

As we have also experienced, there’s mention how some Ultra Wideband (UWB) vendors and ISVs are moving to Bluetooth for reduced costs, reduced power requirements and compatibility with other devices (tablets, phones and single board computers) that also use Bluetooth LE.

There’s also a recent article by Quuppa on Quuppa’s Role Regarding the New Bluetooth SIG Direction Finding Feature. It explains how AoD will require work by software operating system providers, hardware ODMs, silicon vendors and direction finding product providers before products appear in the market.

Location Beacons

We sometimes get asked for location beacons or which beacons are best for determining location. All beacons can be used for locating. While there are physical aspects such as battery size/life and waterproofing that make some beacons more suitable for some scenarios, locating capability is determined more by the software used rather than the beacons themselves.

Our article on Determining Location Using Bluetooth Beacons gives an overview on locating while the article on Using Beacons, iBeacons for Real-time Locating Systems (RTLS) explains how RTLS work. If you wish to create your own locating software we have a large number of posts on RSSI.

If you have been attracted to Bluetooth by recent announcements on Bluetooth direction finding, be aware that no ready-made hardware or software solutions exist yet. It will take a while, perhaps years, before silicon vendors support Bluetooth 5.1 direction finding, silicon vendors create SDKs and hardware manufacturers create hardware.

New Bluetooth Direction Finding Feature

A new direction finding feature has been released for Bluetooth 5.1 (pdf). Using more than one antenna, as used by Quuppa, allows for direction finding.

The paper on Enhancing Bluetooth Location Services with Direction Finding explains how location services currently use RSSI to estimate the distance. Direction finding introduces more advanced Angle of arrival (AoA) and angle of departure (AoD) techniques into Bluetooth 5.

“Should smartphone vendors choose to include Bluetooth direction finding with AoA support in their products, item finding solutions could be enhanced to provide directional information.”

As with the move from Bluetooth 4 to Bluetooth 5 it’s going to be while before we see (non Quuppa) products with direction finding. This feature requires specific hardware and software. Before that, it needs SDKs from the SoC vendors. Existing smartphones, beacons and gateways won’t be able to be upgraded.

Read about Using Beacons, iBeacons for Real-time Locating Systems (RTLS)