De-risking Bluetooth Projects

Many projects encounter insurmountable problems that ought to have been identified before the initiation phase. For example, some make commitments to specific hardware, which can significantly impede future development or result in large unexpected costs.

This lack of foresight and planning, referred to as ‘unknown unknowns’, can lead to project failure or necessitate unwelcome changes in course. Savvy founders, on the other hand, seek advice from experts to lessen the risk of being blindsided.

Another common problem is compatibility issues can occur between various manufacturers or versions. This discrepancy can give rise to unforeseen development challenges or affect user experience post-launch. Another issue is the achievable range of Bluetooth that can be heavily influenced by real-world conditions. Elements such as walls, the presence of other wireless devices and even atmospheric conditions can significantly limit Bluetooth’s effective range, potentially undermining the overall functionality of your project.

Although Bluetooth is praised for its energy efficiency, the actual power consumption can substantially deviate based on factors such as signal strength, data rate and connection interval. Misunderstanding or failing to anticipate these factors can lead to unanticipated issues with battery life in the final product.

A preliminary study can help avert costly and humiliating errors. At BeaconZone, we evaluate the feasibility of your project and provide guidance on both software and hardware options. We are here to answer your queries, highlight potential barriers and bring to light issues you may have overlooked.

By choosing not to go it alone, you can avoid mistakes that would otherwise occur. You’ll gain insight into any pragmatic decisions that may need to be taken. We can provide accurate cost and time estimates for implementation, ensuring that you purchase the most suitable hardware.

Our services also help to guard against getting locked into platforms with uncertain future costs and risks. Learning from the anonymous mistakes of our past clients can provide you with valuable insights. Moreover, we can expediently integrate Bluetooth knowledge into your organisation, giving you a head start on future developments.

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Museum, Visitor Space Case Study

We have a new case study on our consultancy for Royal Museums Greenwich on the Cutty Sark.

Royal Museums Greenwich wanted to locate visitors as part of their forthcoming Cutty Sark Alive Augmented Reality (AR) experience.

Use our consultancy to help prevent problems that should have been known prior to commencement. Otherwise, ‘unknown unknowns’ can lead to project failure or force pivoting in less desirable directions. A small initial study prevents expensive and embarrassing mistakes.

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Read about Feasibility Studies

Proof of Concept for Beacon Projects

It’s easy to buy into an idea and commit significant resources only to find very late on that a project is overly difficult or impossible to implement. We see too many companies only come to us after they have gone a long way down a particular road only to discover they made a big mistake early on. It might be, for example, they have heavily committed to the wrong beacon, wrong platform or have assumed something on one of the mobile platforms. They didn’t do their research. Often we can help them get on the right track but sometimes not.

We always recommend organisations research upfront. Test risky areas. Create a low cost proof of concept exercising risky areas. A proof of concept is the implementation of a small subset of the whole system to prove implementing the whole thing is possible. Good candidates for functionality for proof of concepts are specific usecases, scenarios or user stories. Choose specific usecases to exercise what you think might be the most difficult or unknown parts of the system.

Proof of concepts provide a feel for the development effort that will be required to develop the complete system thus giving an indication of the project’s cost and the financial viability of the project.

It’s also possible to create proof of concepts that include business goals. Think ‘proof of value’ rather than ‘proof of concept’. Proving a project has value to stakeholders can help unlock realistic funding for development of the complete project.

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Read about feasibility studies