New Silicon Labs Bluetooth Direction Finding Design

Silicon Labs has a new range of Bluetooth System on a Chip (SoC), the EFR32BG22 (BG22) boasting power efficiency with up to ten years on a coin cell battery. It supports the Bluetooth 5.2 specification, Bluetooth direction finding and Bluetooth mesh. The Bluetooth direction finding provides Bluetooth Angle of Arrival (AoA) and Angle of Departure (AoD) capabilities with sub-one-meter location accuracy.

Silicon Labs have announced a new direction finding kit with a 4×4 antenna array board for evaluation and development. Note that this is a reference design rather than a product that can be rolled out.

The antenna array design and user guide make interesting reading if you want to learn about AoA hardware design.

Many of our customers have misconceptions about direction finding reference design kits. They exist to prove direction finding and are intended as a base design on which to create your own custom hardware using the same components. They aren’t intended for rollout as they generally aren’t physically robust and also don’t have software that will scale to more than a few assets.

Instead, see the Minew AoA kit for a production product.

Read about PrecisionRTLS™

Using Beacons in Building Information Modelling (BIM)

The Journal of Information Technology in Construction has a new new paper on BIM Integrated Post-Occupancy Evaluation System for Office Buildings (pdf). It describes a system that enables conducting space-time queries and visualization of collected feedback to support effective decision-making in facilities management (FM).

The system collected occupant feedback on their comfort needs along with the contextual information and presented this to facility managers. This data is critical for assessing occupant satisfaction and for identifying the operation and maintenance (O&M) issues in good time so as to improve resource efficiency in buildings.

Bluetooth beacons were used for locating the occupants which has the advantages of wide range of usage, low cost and being simple to use. Beacons had to be placed so that they were not obscured by the building elements and signal levels were adjusted to avoid interference between the beacon signals.

The system demonstrated that such systems are practical, usable and that real-time building performance data can be collected and analysed.

Who Controls Your Beacons?

One of our most popular FAQs is

“Which Beacons Don’t Require Registration/Login/Subscription to a Platform to Configure Them?”

Conversations with our customers are showing that people are starting to become wary of beacons that require online logins because:

  • They can’t be administered ‘in the field’ where there might be no connectivity
  • They can’t be easily used with other people’s platforms
  • They tie you into platform availability that you can’t control
  • They tie you into future changes of platform subscription model you can’t control

None of our beacons require you to register, login or subscribe to a proprietary platform to administer them. All can use stand-alone apps for configuration.

Beacon Jewellery as a Personal Security device

IT World Canada recently reported Telus launches personal security beacons disguised as jewellery.

A problem with beacons is that they tend to look ugly when worn. Telus have solved this problem and have developed an app and service so they can be used as a SOS lifeline.

The Telus SmartWear looks like jewellery or a keychain. It connects using Bluetooth to a smartphone. When the back of the charm is double clicked it sends a alert. Telus will ring you back to confirm you need help and, if necessary, send emergency services.

Tracking Forklift Trucks

Forklift trucks are a common theme or problem in warehouses. They are expensive, can cause damage and are potentially dangerous. Here are the top 3 scenarios we have come across when speaking to warehouse clients.

  • Tracking the usage of forklifts to make best use of what is an expensive resource. The solution is real-time monitoring of movement using a real time locating system (RTLS) to detect excessive durations of no movement.
  • Detecting if they crash into racking. For example, we had a customer with a warehouse storing dangerous chemicals. They needed to know about impacts with racking that could potentially displace and spill the chemicals. The solution is detecting unexpected excessive rack movement using a RTLS.
  • Detecting if they go missing. One client told us of forklifts going missing having been driven off in lorries in the cargo area. A RTLS can alert when forklifts go outside an area, inside an area or are no longer being seen.

These scenarios affect the company’s direct costs. Preventing just one incident can pay for the RTLS and more importantly prevent fines, injuries, lost days and medical bills.

Even when there aren’t accidents, a RTLS saves costs through improved efficiency.

Read about BeaconRTLS™

Learn about Beacons in Industry and the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)

Automatic Transport Ticketing Using Beacons

There’s new research from University of Cagliari, Italy on Beep4Me: Automatic Ticket Validation to Support Fare Clearing and Service Planning.

Integrated transport with single ticketing across bus, tram and train requires revenue sharing between service providers which, in turn, needs accurate usage data. Relying solely on user-provided data suffers from incomplete data because not all users always validate their ticket when checking out or when switching lines.

The researchers have created a system, Beep4Me, that collects usage data and interfaces with an existing mobile ticketing platform.

A smartphone app identifies the vehicle (bus, tram, or train) and automatically validates the ticket. It does this using Bluetooth LE beacons and location and orientation phone sensors to identify the patterns to clearly define modes of transport. Beacons are installed on buses:

The test data demonstrated almost perfect accuracy of event detection such as validation, transfer, choosing a ticket, purchasing a ticket and check-out.

Bluetooth Vehicle–Pedestrian Collision Warning

There’s recent research by Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada on Investigating Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low-Energy Signal Characteristics for Integration in Vehicle–Pedestrian Collision Warning Systems.

The paper looks into the comparative performance of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Classic (Bluetooth) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for integration in vehicle–pedestrian collision warning systems. More specifically, accuracy and functionality are considered with respect to signal strength indicator (RSSI) distance stability, rainfall effects on the signals, motion effects, non-line of sight effects and signal transmission rates.

The experiments identified the overall superiority of Bluetooth LE over Wi-Fi and Classic Bluetooth. Bluetooth LE provides fast collision warnings due to the frequent transmission and provides higher probability of simultaneous signal detection by multiple scanners.

The researchers say the results indicate the possibility of integration of Bluetooth LE technology in the design of vehicle–pedestrian collision warning systems in addition to currently used systems.

New Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) Primer

The Bluetooth LE specifications are very technical and not very approachable for those wishing to use, rather than create, devices using Bluetooth. Bluetooth SIG, who manage the Bluetooth specifications, have a new document by Martin Woolley titled The Bluetooth® Low Energy Primer. This is the definitive guide to better understanding Bluetooth LE.

This free document covers the history of Bluetooth LE and explains the various layers in the Bluetooth stack. It describes the protocols and profiles that make up Bluetooth LE. It also provides pointers to study guides, papers, hands-on resources and formal specifications for further reference.

Is There a Beacon That Works Without Bluetooth On?

We sometimes get asked if it’s possible that smartphones can detect beacons without Bluetooth being on. All beacons are based on Bluetooth LE that, in turn, relies on Bluetooth being switched on in the phone to scan for beacons. There’s no magic underling operating system mechanism on iOS nor Android that allows you to use Bluetooth without the user having Bluetooth on.

More users are leaving their Bluetooth on due to the proliferation of connecting with other devices such as cars, Bluetooth headphones and smart speakers. If you are writing an app you should take steps to detect if Bluetooth is on and prompt the user appropriately.

The phone and beacon industries need to better educate users that Bluetooth is no longer the heavy battery drainer it was in the early days of smartphones.