Beacons in Transportation
Beacons have a multitude of uses at airports, on buses and on trains. Most projects aim to provide information to end customers. This usually takes the form of providing timetable information, navigation, guidance and assistance. For example, beacons have been used at train stations to tell passengers which train car to board to be nearest the exit at their destination. As beacons can trigger things to happen in apps, they are especially suitable for providing services to the visually impaired.
If you can have your customers carry beacons then you can do more advanced things such as provide custom pricing, up-selling and more contextual advertising of other products and services.
Many transport organisations are also using beacons for non-consumer facing situations. Beacons are being used to monitor lone workers, track valuable assets, monitor whether gates/doors are open and monitor temperatures in storerooms and cargo holds.
However you use beacons, the most valuable aspect is usually the data. Analytics allow you to better prioritise resources, measure journeys and improve processes.
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